Fontana Mix 曲谱资料
听——》Fontana Mix - Feed, Nov. 6, 1967
Performer's Notes for “Fontana Mix-Feed”
as recorded Nov. 9, 1967 by Aspen.
I used “Fontana Mix” to make a score, which I called “Feed,” for adjustable resistors which are affecting acoustic feedback. In this performance, the adjustable resistors were controlling the frequency response of two channels of feedback which were set up by putting two microphones in the vicinity of their respective loudspeakers.
The score for this performance was made by assigning a ten-second time period to each of the differentiated lines on the opaque sheets. When the transparent sheets with dots were superimposed over these, each dot coinciding with a line dictated a change in one of the resistors during the time period assigned to that line. The specific resistor to be changed was then decided by throwing dice. Throughout the piece, these changes in the adjustable resistors are extremely slow and gradual.
The score removes my taste and musical judgment and allows the electronic and acoustic phenomena of that particular situation to produce the piece. Each time it is played, it is different. In fact, the three times that I performed the piece for this recording, three totally different versions resulted.
Max Neuhaus
当被覆盖叠加,在这点,每个点恰逢决定改变路线的电阻在指定时间内,路线. 要改变特定电阻掷骰决定便.
John Cage, Fontana Mix, (New York, Henmar Press, 1960).
Dots below:
Curved lines below: