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发表于 2005-2-19 22:33:59
RE: 以前的面试题目
Answers and Rationale
1 CD Return Next question
If A or B was chosen, you've got to attend the CPA traning course of year 2
004, to learn more about the costing knowledge
If E or F was chosen, you'd better see the psychologist and take some medcin
e following his suggestion, and try to calm down.
2 ABF Return Next question
If C was chosen, it seems you are not suitable for promotion in KPMG anymore
, because there are few handsome guy and beautiful lady in the middle and high l
evel of KPMG, so man, seek for new job now.
Chosen D, Abosultely Day dreaming
Chosen E, you are still in the early stage of A1, and should be demoted to A
3 A Return Next question
If D was chosen, do you think you are manager or partner now? Caution: it se
ems you will be fired soon.
Chosen E, be care of the brick thrown by the laid-off workers when you are i
n the street.
If B or C was chosen, pls attend the CPA training course also.
4 AE Return Next question
Chosen B, are you the spy from E&Y?
Chosen C,D,F, do you know the meaning of mega-job?
5 ABD Return Next question
What?!! Even ABD can not be used now ?
6 ACDE Return Next question
Chosen B or F, whether you are grown up from A1 in KPMG, you should be demot
ed as A1.
7 C Return Next question
Pls consider at least 3 factors when calculate the OT, 1 job nature 2 Mgr na
ture 3 Job fee
8 BDF Return Next question
If you choose C, you have a so kind heart, thus could not be promoted anymor
9 D Return Next question
B sounds reasonable, but not the perfect one, pls read the question carefull
y. It seems you still need some practice on call over skill.
Chosen A or C, it is clear that there must be some shit deeply in your head.
10 AC Return Next question
Chosen B or D, should be fired at once.
11 B Return Next question
Easy points to gain here!
12 BCDE Return Next question
If you chose A, Do you really understand the meaning of basic salary?
Chosen F, how can KPMG promote such an immoral guy?
13 A Return Next question
The one who chose C or D should be fired immediately!
14 F Return Next question
Relax, this is just for fun!
15 D Return Next question
Any other choice except D means the water in your brain is in an abnormal st
16 C Return Next question
The one who chose A,B,E should be fired at once!
17 D Return Next question
Make sure not to act as a recorder when doing audit, as least translate clie
nts words to English!
18 CD Return Next question
Chose A, be fired without any hesitation.
19 DE Return Next question
Chose A,B or C, you are a so kind person that you are not suitable for audit
20 ABE Return Next question
Answer C or D, pls see the neuropathy doctor immediately.
21 D Return Next question
Chose A or B, you can not get promotion for ever.
Chose C or F, you are such a rude guy, how can manager assign a job to you w
ithout any worry?
Chose E, did you ever see KPMG's propaganda slide? KPMG hope each staff have
a nice family. If your lover left you due to that, how can you work reassurely?
Use your head if you have, man!
22 ABCD Return Next question
These should be your basic supplies , maybe you need more such as 黄连素??
23 B Return Next question
Easy points to gain here
24 BCDE Return Next question
Can not choose A, as it contains obvious Chinese spelling mistakes
25 CD Return Next question
If you chose B, it must be short of something in your brain.
26 C Return Next question
The one who chose B,D should seek for the job as a social butterfly.
27 ACDE Return Next question
In respectful memory of P.O. Wong , former SM of BJ A02
28 ABC Return Next question
The one who chose D is so-called "FenQing". However KPMG appreciated the per
son with a fair mood.
29 D Return Next question
If you chose A, you should improve your soft skills before you can be promot
We will report to local police man to watch the one who chose B immediately.
The one who chose C, pls refer the explanation of choice E for question 21
30 E Return Next question
31 ABCDE Return See result
These questions are designed to test ur imagination and humor! Make sure you
still have some when u leave!
Total point under 20:
It seems that you are still in / below the level of A0. You are so kind and so h
onest that the job was not suitable for you totally. What you should do now is o
pen the IE, and key in "www.zhaopin.com" or www.chinahr.com".
Total point from 30-50:
You are in the margin to become a professional auditor, but frankly to say, it i
s still not the time for you to become a marble assistant manager in the company
now. Don't worry, continue to try trickier than before. I am sure you will get
the victory one day.
Total point from 50-80:
Congratulations! After 3 year's devil training, you seems to be a qualified audi
or now. However, there are still something you need to prove in the future. I be
lieve with your hard working, we can develop our great career throughout China.
Total point above 80:
Perfect! You are almost the company's mainstay. You are so smart and soft that w
e think it is so pity for you to act only as assistant manager in KPMG. However,
you know there is an traditional Chinese saying: The pig is afraid of getting s
trong, and the guy is afraid of getting famous. Since you are so outstanding, ot
hers must envy you very much, so for the unit/union of the company, we could not
provide you with a very high position. And we believe you have seen everything
of the profession, you must leave it sooner or later. |