opus KV 516f is a composition resulting from dice-playing (random design)
Instruction how to compose a waltz with 2 dicesprocedure:
throw the dice, make the sum of their values,
go to the first table,
take the number of the bar from the table
match the value of the dice with the corresponding bar column
then read the value for the bar table
look up the notes for the selected bar
continue for the next bar
Arnold Schonberg: production by algorithms;
not extrapolation of what he was hearing (in his brain /mind) but exterior generation; anoather contribution to the question of subject / object / algortithm.
The twelf tone music is a very strict rule for composing: for instance you may repeat a tone only after having used the other 11 tones.
John Cage “Fontana Mix” 1964
Tunnel Spiral - Stockhausen
Bernard Rand’s ‘… as all get out …’ (1975)
Magnetic Research Centre 2201 - Beachcroft Studios 1985