这是上周五(3.31)和周六(4.1)连续两天在美国尤它州的波特兰举办的地方性噪音音乐节,因为和那里的Cryptic Weevil/nkondi/the sunken一直有联系,所以特别关注这个演出,现在美国单块效果器噪音之风越刮越厉害,尤它州目前是美国仅次于洛杉基的第二噪音圣地
以下是Partick Neve(Cryptic Weevil)写的一些感想:
I was about to say My set was brutal and uncompromising and everyone else sucked.. thank you, Erik, for giving everyone else the opportunity to see how it's done
But since most everyone missed my set I'll just join the lovefest and tell everyone how much I really enjoyed their sets. And Erik, thank you for booking me on this thing, and I'm really glad it was that successful from an event management perspective.
You can't really pick favorites from a lineup this strong, but just some random highlights were:
* Matt from the Sunken pausing in the middle of his set to take a hit from an asthma inhaler.
* Nkondi opening the whole show with about 30 short sets in a tribute to Gerogerigegege, and stopping in the middle of it to take a cell phone call. Scuze me a second. Yeah, we're playin' right now...
* PCRV showing utter disregard for his fancy-ass pedal collection with a 2x4 that didn't deserve the abuse either.
* Tralphaz, seen by these eyes and ears for the first time, nearly inciting a full on mosh pit, except for the slight hiccup where his mic fell apart. Very high energy.
* Mr. Naslaund storming in with a large bag of insanely packaged holed-up-in-the-bedroom-for-years looking art projects, ostensibly containing audio products of some sort, and like an evil santa claus basically pelting us with handfuls of bizarre product and running out again. (Dennis, please PM me your address, I'll send those clear ones.. sorry I forgot that!)
* View: unparalleled backwards engineering, window rattling freq sweeps, and unrivalled hospitality. (thank you)
* Menche and Romero's tightly controlled set, matching boy-group jackets and spotlight, slowly building in intensity until the unintentional comic relief fizzle-riffic blowout finale. Next time try party whistles. But seriously, even though it didn't have the desired effect, we were laughing WITH you, and it didn't detract from an altogether impressive set.
* The vs. vs. vs. set with the girl from corvallis screaming til red in the face (Subterrane), Nkondi yet again, and some mystery guy shreddin' the pedals like a pro, the enigmatic Robotic Daly, apparantly his first gig?? Bullshit! All three of these beginners show real potentional.
* IDX; Careful with that axe, Eugene!
Absolutely everybody was noteworthy. Don't feel left out if I didn't mention you, I just need to unpack and be home for awhile. I look forward to seeing everyone elses comments and pictures. Thanks again, Erik.